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Q & A
Air deterioration doctors recommend wearing masks mouthwash

 [CNA ╱ Kaohsiung 11 (Xinhua)] 2013.12.11 06:28 pm

 Today Partly Cloudy Kaohsiung area, poor air quality, the data show Nanzih districts of Red Alert poor grades, otolaryngologists proposed multi-gargle, go out wearing masks.

 With the northeast monsoon air pollutants continent south, Kaohsiung area in addition to a short midday sun appear, most of the time the weather is gloomy haze, EPA data show that high concentrations of suspended particles, Nantz, former town and other areas of Kaohsiung Red Alert poor grades.

 EPA air pollution index value in Nantz, Xiaogang former town and other areas were measured from 102 to 126 micrograms / cubic meter, in part because the station is located near the industrial zone, the indicator value once soared high, Kaohsiung landmark Eighth Tower exterior of the building is also in thick mist.

 Otolaryngologist Wu Zhiming said that today more than usual number of visits a few, but he considered the cold weather so that the number becomes more than a cold; deterioration of air quality, he suggested wearing masks, and more mouth to avoid respiratory discomfort.

Full text website: The air is deteriorating, doctors recommend rinsing mouth and wearing masks | Health World | Health Medicine | Lianhe News Network
Sources:http://udn.com/NEWS/HEALTH/HEA2/8354234.shtml#ixzz2nLWEUV25 Power By udn.com